There comes a point in one's life where they experience what id like to call the aftermath of "vertigo."
Vertigo: Fear of falling. Therefore, the aftermath of vertigo is the aftermath of such a fall. There are countless reasons why one might fall, in the figurative sense. Perhaps your heart has been scattered into pieces, the passing of one you have grown to love maybe,
losing your job, losing your money, losing your sanity.
Whatever that reasoning might be, the effect of vertigo is very much the same. Up until its buildup, individuals clutch onto anything to which appears valuable to them. Material objects to which they have attached their own personal meaning. Photos, mementos are what appear MOST valuable up until this point.
Life becomes like a time capsule, where memories can be individually packaged into tiny compartments and labeled accordingly. In many ways, we all sashay through life like miniture reflections of Narcissus, in denial about what lies beyond the surface. However, people who are lucky enough to remain in such a deluded state of equilibrium are the token few. And the aftermath of vertigo, makes you realise that what we once naively interpreted through the lense of significance become worthless. Underneath the surface of symbolic value masquerades a harsh reality. You see, vertigo is a kind of force, and without this kind of force, people will not even slighty change. Force in the literal sense.It is a kind of darkness which forces you to examine the "inner" as opposed to the "outer." Perhaps my assertions are too cynical, but as it goes, what goes around comes around, so Fuck you for breaking me, but thanks for pushing me over the edge. I have to rememberyou somehow right? So I might as well give you credit for teaching me first handedly the lesson of
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