Saturday, 9 February 2008


Although I have not been in many relationships myself, I confidently believe that relationships are like intricate tapestries. If you start rushly knitting yourself, you would soon start to realise that although the piece was large in size, it is only large loose threads which hold the fabric together. On the other hand, if you started knitting slowly and carefully, while the piece would turn out insignificantly small, it would be delicately held together and tightly bound.

People can spend an eternity boasting about how they romantically met. A flirtacious glance from across the room, a smile which was love at first sight, or the highschool sweethearts brought together from two different worlds. At at end of the day, initial desire or plain excitement are feelings which will eventually become threadbare. I had never once heard in my life that being impetuous was the secret of a succesful relationship. It certainly didnt work in Romeo and Juliet, so why would it suddenly start working now? It is comforting to know that after the countless times my father played the "Cinderlla" cartoon to me as a child, it had no more than a " killing time" affect for the both of us.

While my romantic meeting this time is not one that is set against the backdrop of a Classic Walt Disney's novel, it is perhaps one which can be interpreted as romantic on its own level. Maybe the time we first properly had a coversation can fall under that had an almost, awkward sweetness to it wouldnt you say? Or the times we walked to buy almond magnums together before realising we had much more in common than our shared love of ice cream. Or was it the first time I woke up with you holding me, where my good morning kiss which started off as an experiment turned into an almost "ground breaking" realisation for two friends. "I actually liked that," were your exact words I think, before kissing me back. While our "official" first kiss will remain dateless, this kiss was one which epitomizes the many more which were to follow. My favourite memory of all is when you made your carebear puppet show to stop me from crying, imitating the pink bear (as you), piggybacking the purple bear, (as me), in the most adorable way imaginable. I'll take a wild guess, that in your mind, it was perhaps the time I came knocking at your door at five past twelve, with three cupcakes and an orange birthday card.

After all that has been said and done over the last few months, it is the most ordinary of ordinary pieces which holds us together. It is childish at times, but I often have to remind myself that it is pointless idealising upon romantic visions of the first meeting. We are all part of a bigger tapestry and although our story is not what you would traditionally consider romantic, our story is so, so much more. Our story is what I envisage as, Gracehawk.

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