Monday 31 March 2008

Simba & Nala

Day is over now... time has come where we are madly driven by pure instinct and animalistic desire.
In this mental wilderness he is hiding in the skin of a lion, I watch him as he awaits to pounce...
Eventually he comes prowling and he is stripped of this lion skin...
Within this landscape, everything happens like it is the first time,
and it is not until the familiarity of their young bodies interlocking that they realise...
For moment in time he is like her baby cub and she strokes her Simba tenderly until he eventually brushes her away.

It is irrevocable - this bond they share... one that emerges so that evaporates so naturally...


In life, there is no such thing as the perfect time. When it comes down to what's good for you and what's best for you, it is easiest to execute with sponteneity.

What's good for you will come naturally. Whats's best for you will be a question constantly pervading your subconcious.

Bon chance.